
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Why was I M.I.A?

Hello everyone,
                        I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in two months almost! Oops! I don't have a real reason for missing so much blogging time, but I feel like it was a break I needed and now I can get back down to work!

Firstly, today is the first day of my Summer Holidays, so get ready for a tonne of Summer related posts! I can't wait to see what this Summer has in store and I feel like I really need this break! I finished my school end of year exams and am really pleased with my results! I also was involved in my school's Summer production of The 3 Wishes: Little Me. I really enjoyed the experience and will deffinately be involved in the acting side again last year! Last week was one of the best and worst weeks ever. The best: the performance ad being surrounded by my friends. And the worst: I had a huge panic attack backstage one night during the show and was only able to do some of the scenes I had to do. I was really upset because it knocked my confidence a lot. I'm also mad at myself because I let it knock my confidence down a little, however, that's another post entirely! If you want me to do a post about my experiences with panic attacks and how I felt and advice, then let me know below!

Onto a lighter note, I also have my haul for everything I bought whilst on holiday in Turkey! I had an amazing time with my family and it was great to be able to chill and not have to worry abut anything for ten days! I really enjoyed myself and bought tonnes of stuff! I have no idea how I managed to pack everything back up, bring it home and I wasn't charged for my luggage being overweight!

Sorry about my lack of enthusiasm on this blog for the past month or so, but I promise to get back into the swing of things!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

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