
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Having a little revamp!

Hello everyone,
                        If you are reading this now, you will have noticed that I have had a full redo of my blog. I decided to change things for a new start.

First of all I decided to change the URL and the title, as I thought the other one was too long and boring. I wanted something simple and easy to remember. I wanted to use my name too so I decided to go for, 'Makeup by Livvy'. And I'm so glad my URL is shorter too.

I wanted to also change the look and colour scheme of my blog, as I was getting quite bored of my old one and I thought that change would be a nice idea. I hope you like the new look and it could change again in the next few weeks if I see anything to improve it! If you have any suggestions be sure to leave them below.

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Why was I M.I.A?

Hello everyone,
                        I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in two months almost! Oops! I don't have a real reason for missing so much blogging time, but I feel like it was a break I needed and now I can get back down to work!

Firstly, today is the first day of my Summer Holidays, so get ready for a tonne of Summer related posts! I can't wait to see what this Summer has in store and I feel like I really need this break! I finished my school end of year exams and am really pleased with my results! I also was involved in my school's Summer production of The 3 Wishes: Little Me. I really enjoyed the experience and will deffinately be involved in the acting side again last year! Last week was one of the best and worst weeks ever. The best: the performance ad being surrounded by my friends. And the worst: I had a huge panic attack backstage one night during the show and was only able to do some of the scenes I had to do. I was really upset because it knocked my confidence a lot. I'm also mad at myself because I let it knock my confidence down a little, however, that's another post entirely! If you want me to do a post about my experiences with panic attacks and how I felt and advice, then let me know below!

Onto a lighter note, I also have my haul for everything I bought whilst on holiday in Turkey! I had an amazing time with my family and it was great to be able to chill and not have to worry abut anything for ten days! I really enjoyed myself and bought tonnes of stuff! I have no idea how I managed to pack everything back up, bring it home and I wasn't charged for my luggage being overweight!

Sorry about my lack of enthusiasm on this blog for the past month or so, but I promise to get back into the swing of things!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Tuesday 27 May 2014

My Spring... In Pictures!

Hello everyone,
                        I wanted to do a non-holiday related post today and decided to put a collage of pictures up from the last couple of months. I picked my favourites from my phone and put them together!

I spent a lot of time, these past two months, with my friends! Not all of them are in this collage but my favourite pictures are both of the bottom corners and the ones with the girls in the top left, top middle and centre middle. 

I went to Blackpool with my Auntie, Uncle and three little cousins at the end of April and it was so much fun! We went to Blackpool Zoo and then to visit my Auntie's other Niece, Emily. She's a great girl and I love her to pieces but I barely ever get to see her! She's super nice and pretty too! If you watch CBBC you might have seen her on a cheer leading programme on a team called Rising Stars. She's amazing at it! Also in Blackpool I spent time with my cousins, who I love to bits! 

I also have been spending tonnes of time with my friend and her newborn baby boy Charlie. I love cuddling him and being with him and his mum all the time. I usually see him at the weekends though and not during the week. 

I have recently become absolutely obsessed with ABC's Scandal. OH MY GOSH! If you have seen that show, you probably know what I mean! I have seen all three series and can't wait for series four! 

Last but not least, I got tissue damage in my shoulder and had to go to A&E to get it checked out. I had to wear a sling for about a week, which was annoying! 

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Monday 26 May 2014

Fun in the Sun ||| Summer Tag!

Hello everyone,
                        As I am going away on Wednesday, I wanted to do a Tag post before I went and this one seemed appropriate! Hope you enjoy and I tag anyone who wants to do this to do it on their blog or YouTube channel.

1) What is the best part of Summer time?
For me, it has to be the sun and how warm it gets. In the UK we don't have the largest amount of sun, so when it is nice weather, it's amazing! I love the hot weather and sitting out in it! It makes me feel happier too!

2) Do you tan or burn?
I normally burn first, and as the burn fades, I tan. The most tanned I have ever been was when I was in Egypt years ago, so this year I am determined to tan. However, I am extremely pale, so tanning was never my strong point!

3) Favourite Summer nail polish?
I love just any bright colour, especially the Barry M Gelly Nail Paints. I have recently been very into orange colours on my nails and I just took off an amazingly bright, mint green from Barry M which I love!

4) Favourite Summer drink?
I love anything light and refreshing. I love things like Sprite and Fanta or just a nice glass of water with tonnes of ice!

5) Favourite Summer clothing items?
My floral, flowy pants from New Look, any pair of shorts and a pink dress from George, which you will see in a post soon!

6) Favourite phone app to use during this Summer?
I really don't use my phone for games so all I have are my socialising apps and then the ones my phone came with. I guess the one I use the most is Spotify and then Twitter and Instagram. But, for games, I do love the Heads Up game by Ellen Degeneres. It's so fun to play with family and friends and everyone I know loves playing it!

7) Favourite Summer movie?
I don't have one that I like to watch specifically in Summer, but I recently watched White House Down, which includes Channing Tatum, a wannabe Secret Service Agent, and Jamie Foxx, The POTUS, who have to save America and the White House when under attack. Plus, can we just admire Channing Tatum? Thank you.

8) Favourite Summer beauty product?
I love BB creams and anything with SPF in it to help my skin!

9) Favourite Summer activity?
I just love soaking up the sun, water fights, spending time with friends and family and all the normal/typical Summer things!

10) Favourite type of lip product for Summer?
I love tinted lip balms. I just think they are quick, easy, moisturising and you don't have to bother with colour!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 24 May 2014

Holiday Countdown

Hello everyone,
                        Today I just wanted to say that I have a couple of planned posts coming up in the next few days, instead of one post every single day, as I can't find much time to do it! However, I will post at least three more before I go away on Wednesday and, if I can get some Wi-Fi whilst I'm away, I can write small posts whilst I'm there too! Sorry about not posting everyday but the should be one or maybe even two up tomorrow!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Thursday 22 May 2014

Turkey Time!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I am going to start my countdown to my holiday. I'm really excited now so I just decided that today I would go over what is coming up in the next few days, blog related or not! It is a week today that I leave for Turkey, so I wanted to start today. I don't know if I'll be able to post one on Thursday, because I'll be up in the early hours of the morning to catch my plane, but maybe I can snag some Wi-Fi from the hotel or the airport!

First of all, tomorrow is Friday the 23rd, which means it will be my last day in school before the May half term. I finish school at normal time and I have nothing else to do tomorrow!

Then over the weekend at some point I'm going to go shopping for last minute supplies!

I leave for the hotel across from the airport on Wednesday afternoon, so on Tuesday I will pack my suitcase and then I'm ready! I leave in the early hours of Thursday morning as my flight  is at five past seven!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 17 May 2014

Update - Where have I been?!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I thought I  would update you on where I have been and what I have been doing because, for the past month I haven't posted anything! I am very sorry for that and over this next week or so, expect many posts!

The first reason as to why I have not been posting recently, is because I have been really busy with picking my options for school. As I am in Year 9, in the UK, I got to choose what subjects I will take for my GCSE exams at the end of Secondary School. I have decided that, when I leave school, I would love to do a job in medicine. In my school we got to choose four options and these are mine:

  • Triple Science
  • Psychology
  • Drama - Stage Management/Technical 
  • Ethics and Philosophy 
  • Additional Maths - You got to choose this if your target is a B or above for GCSE 
I'm really happy with my options, but I don't know if I definitely have been given the ones I want, but it's looking good so far, because some people have had to change theirs but I didn't!

Next, cricket season recently started and that probably doesn't mean much to most of you, but to me, it means spending every Saturday and Sunday in the score box, scoring for my local club's seconds team. I love doing it and I do get paid to do it too! I spend all weekend up there so I really have no time to do anything else at the weekend unless it's called off or we don't have a match!

I am now going to tell you the story of what happened this past Thursday. I was walking in the corridor at school when a group of people were pushing and shoving. One got shoved into my left shoulder and pulled me against the wall a little bit. So,, I got it checked by a first aider at school and he told me that there was something not right with it. When he was stretching my arm, it clicked so I think it was dislocated before I went to hospital. My Mum took me to the hospital and they told me it was tissue damage. It kills! It is horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

And lastly, I have been shopping and organising for my holiday at the end of this month! I'm so excited! I leave at seven in the morning on Thursday 29th of May to go to Marmaris, Turkey for ten days. I am going with my Grandparents, my Auntie and Uncle and their three little girls! I am so excited and, starting on Wednesday, I am going to do a weeks countdown to my holiday. each day will be a different thing about my holiday or about holidays and going away in general! I won't be posting whilst I am away but I will have one up everyday before then, hopefully, and I will have plenty to go up after I come back!

Tell me if you're up to anything exciting in the next few weeks or if you've done anything nice recently!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx