
Thursday 10 October 2013

The Common White Girl Tag!


Hello everyone,
                          Today  I am going to do the common white girl tag! I have seen this floating around the Youtube Community and thought I should do it too! Me and my friend Hannah were talking about doing this, so when she tagged me to go it, I had to! (Click here to go to Hannah's awesome and amazing blog! It'll open in a new window!) So without further ado, (If that's how you would write that word? I'll admit it... I Googled it!), lets get on with the tag!

1) Favourite Starbucks drink?
Well, I really like the small decaf, low fat, (I think :/), Seattle Latte that you can buy from Asda, but from an actual Starbucks shop, I like the iced green tea, only iced in Summer, also I like the berry hibiscus fruit drink and hot chocolate!

2) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I get up at seven every morning and I'm out of the door by quarter to eight, so it takes me about twenty minutes to half an hour!

3) How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?
I'm not going to lie, I take about three to five selfies a day. But, having said that, it's only when I like my makeup so I can go weeks or months without selfies! My phone is full of them but I delete them all afterwards and think, 'Why did I do that?'.

4) How many Instagram followers and pictures do you have?
I have 54 followers and 244 pictures as of now!

5) Do you ever say 'LOL' or 'OMG' out loud?
I only say them if I'm with my friends and it's in a joking or sarcastic way!

6) Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?
Ummm... OF COURSE I DO! It's stupid to buy clothes and only wear it once, unless it's a wedding dress or a prom dress! I wear my favourite pieces of clothing all the time!

7) Are you racist?
I'm sorry. WHAT? Ok. The answer is... NO! Of course not! Everyone is equal and I don't have time for people who think otherwise.

8) How many tweets do you have?
I only have 645 tweets but it seems like I have so much more!

9) Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr?
In this order: Twitter, Instagram then Tumblr.

10) What do you spend most of your time doing?
Watching TV, being on the internet, texting, anything to do with social media, baking or going out with friends!

11) Who are your favourite Youtubers?
Beautybaby44, Tanya Burr, Zoella, Sprinkle Of Glitter, Daily Grace, Shane Dawson, Pointless Blog TV, Casper Lee, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman, Grav3yardgirl, Jacksgap, MacBarbie07... The list could go on!

12) How often do you do your nails?
If they are long, every few days, if not I just leave them to look disgusting!

13) Are you a shopaholic?
I'm not too bad I can definitely go into shops and not buy anything but it's really hard for me not to do that and I go shopping almost every weekend, so, you decide!

14) How many times have you watched Mean Girls?
Too many. I could probably quote the whole film... :)

15) Do you own a lot of clothes?
Not too many because the clothes I have, I love and wear all the time so I wear mostly the same stuff all the time!

16) Do you take pictures of food before you eat it?
If the food looks pretty or is arranged nicely or I'm eating at a place that is strange, new or unknown to other people then yes. But not always!

17) Do you wear makeup everyday?
If I'm not at school, work or going out for a long time then I'm not wearing makeup but if I'm in those places or I'm out for a few hours then I will wear makeup.

18) What are your average grades in school?
I'm in the top set for all subjects and my expected grades are about a B or more for GCSE so I guess that's what grade I'm kind of working at! I guess levels 5-7 depending on the subject!

19) How do you usually style your hair?
If I'm fresh out of the shower then I will straighten it, but if I haven't washed it for a couple of days then I put it up in a ponytail or a bun! I very rarely curl it!

20) Do you always look presentable?
I try to, when I'm out, but not always! I'm always in pyjamas if I am home!

That was the common white girl tag! How much of a common white girl do you think I am?!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

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