
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Having a little revamp!

Hello everyone,
                        If you are reading this now, you will have noticed that I have had a full redo of my blog. I decided to change things for a new start.

First of all I decided to change the URL and the title, as I thought the other one was too long and boring. I wanted something simple and easy to remember. I wanted to use my name too so I decided to go for, 'Makeup by Livvy'. And I'm so glad my URL is shorter too.

I wanted to also change the look and colour scheme of my blog, as I was getting quite bored of my old one and I thought that change would be a nice idea. I hope you like the new look and it could change again in the next few weeks if I see anything to improve it! If you have any suggestions be sure to leave them below.

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Why was I M.I.A?

Hello everyone,
                        I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in two months almost! Oops! I don't have a real reason for missing so much blogging time, but I feel like it was a break I needed and now I can get back down to work!

Firstly, today is the first day of my Summer Holidays, so get ready for a tonne of Summer related posts! I can't wait to see what this Summer has in store and I feel like I really need this break! I finished my school end of year exams and am really pleased with my results! I also was involved in my school's Summer production of The 3 Wishes: Little Me. I really enjoyed the experience and will deffinately be involved in the acting side again last year! Last week was one of the best and worst weeks ever. The best: the performance ad being surrounded by my friends. And the worst: I had a huge panic attack backstage one night during the show and was only able to do some of the scenes I had to do. I was really upset because it knocked my confidence a lot. I'm also mad at myself because I let it knock my confidence down a little, however, that's another post entirely! If you want me to do a post about my experiences with panic attacks and how I felt and advice, then let me know below!

Onto a lighter note, I also have my haul for everything I bought whilst on holiday in Turkey! I had an amazing time with my family and it was great to be able to chill and not have to worry abut anything for ten days! I really enjoyed myself and bought tonnes of stuff! I have no idea how I managed to pack everything back up, bring it home and I wasn't charged for my luggage being overweight!

Sorry about my lack of enthusiasm on this blog for the past month or so, but I promise to get back into the swing of things!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Tuesday 27 May 2014

My Spring... In Pictures!

Hello everyone,
                        I wanted to do a non-holiday related post today and decided to put a collage of pictures up from the last couple of months. I picked my favourites from my phone and put them together!

I spent a lot of time, these past two months, with my friends! Not all of them are in this collage but my favourite pictures are both of the bottom corners and the ones with the girls in the top left, top middle and centre middle. 

I went to Blackpool with my Auntie, Uncle and three little cousins at the end of April and it was so much fun! We went to Blackpool Zoo and then to visit my Auntie's other Niece, Emily. She's a great girl and I love her to pieces but I barely ever get to see her! She's super nice and pretty too! If you watch CBBC you might have seen her on a cheer leading programme on a team called Rising Stars. She's amazing at it! Also in Blackpool I spent time with my cousins, who I love to bits! 

I also have been spending tonnes of time with my friend and her newborn baby boy Charlie. I love cuddling him and being with him and his mum all the time. I usually see him at the weekends though and not during the week. 

I have recently become absolutely obsessed with ABC's Scandal. OH MY GOSH! If you have seen that show, you probably know what I mean! I have seen all three series and can't wait for series four! 

Last but not least, I got tissue damage in my shoulder and had to go to A&E to get it checked out. I had to wear a sling for about a week, which was annoying! 

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Monday 26 May 2014

Fun in the Sun ||| Summer Tag!

Hello everyone,
                        As I am going away on Wednesday, I wanted to do a Tag post before I went and this one seemed appropriate! Hope you enjoy and I tag anyone who wants to do this to do it on their blog or YouTube channel.

1) What is the best part of Summer time?
For me, it has to be the sun and how warm it gets. In the UK we don't have the largest amount of sun, so when it is nice weather, it's amazing! I love the hot weather and sitting out in it! It makes me feel happier too!

2) Do you tan or burn?
I normally burn first, and as the burn fades, I tan. The most tanned I have ever been was when I was in Egypt years ago, so this year I am determined to tan. However, I am extremely pale, so tanning was never my strong point!

3) Favourite Summer nail polish?
I love just any bright colour, especially the Barry M Gelly Nail Paints. I have recently been very into orange colours on my nails and I just took off an amazingly bright, mint green from Barry M which I love!

4) Favourite Summer drink?
I love anything light and refreshing. I love things like Sprite and Fanta or just a nice glass of water with tonnes of ice!

5) Favourite Summer clothing items?
My floral, flowy pants from New Look, any pair of shorts and a pink dress from George, which you will see in a post soon!

6) Favourite phone app to use during this Summer?
I really don't use my phone for games so all I have are my socialising apps and then the ones my phone came with. I guess the one I use the most is Spotify and then Twitter and Instagram. But, for games, I do love the Heads Up game by Ellen Degeneres. It's so fun to play with family and friends and everyone I know loves playing it!

7) Favourite Summer movie?
I don't have one that I like to watch specifically in Summer, but I recently watched White House Down, which includes Channing Tatum, a wannabe Secret Service Agent, and Jamie Foxx, The POTUS, who have to save America and the White House when under attack. Plus, can we just admire Channing Tatum? Thank you.

8) Favourite Summer beauty product?
I love BB creams and anything with SPF in it to help my skin!

9) Favourite Summer activity?
I just love soaking up the sun, water fights, spending time with friends and family and all the normal/typical Summer things!

10) Favourite type of lip product for Summer?
I love tinted lip balms. I just think they are quick, easy, moisturising and you don't have to bother with colour!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 24 May 2014

Holiday Countdown

Hello everyone,
                        Today I just wanted to say that I have a couple of planned posts coming up in the next few days, instead of one post every single day, as I can't find much time to do it! However, I will post at least three more before I go away on Wednesday and, if I can get some Wi-Fi whilst I'm away, I can write small posts whilst I'm there too! Sorry about not posting everyday but the should be one or maybe even two up tomorrow!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Thursday 22 May 2014

Turkey Time!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I am going to start my countdown to my holiday. I'm really excited now so I just decided that today I would go over what is coming up in the next few days, blog related or not! It is a week today that I leave for Turkey, so I wanted to start today. I don't know if I'll be able to post one on Thursday, because I'll be up in the early hours of the morning to catch my plane, but maybe I can snag some Wi-Fi from the hotel or the airport!

First of all, tomorrow is Friday the 23rd, which means it will be my last day in school before the May half term. I finish school at normal time and I have nothing else to do tomorrow!

Then over the weekend at some point I'm going to go shopping for last minute supplies!

I leave for the hotel across from the airport on Wednesday afternoon, so on Tuesday I will pack my suitcase and then I'm ready! I leave in the early hours of Thursday morning as my flight  is at five past seven!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 17 May 2014

Update - Where have I been?!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I thought I  would update you on where I have been and what I have been doing because, for the past month I haven't posted anything! I am very sorry for that and over this next week or so, expect many posts!

The first reason as to why I have not been posting recently, is because I have been really busy with picking my options for school. As I am in Year 9, in the UK, I got to choose what subjects I will take for my GCSE exams at the end of Secondary School. I have decided that, when I leave school, I would love to do a job in medicine. In my school we got to choose four options and these are mine:

  • Triple Science
  • Psychology
  • Drama - Stage Management/Technical 
  • Ethics and Philosophy 
  • Additional Maths - You got to choose this if your target is a B or above for GCSE 
I'm really happy with my options, but I don't know if I definitely have been given the ones I want, but it's looking good so far, because some people have had to change theirs but I didn't!

Next, cricket season recently started and that probably doesn't mean much to most of you, but to me, it means spending every Saturday and Sunday in the score box, scoring for my local club's seconds team. I love doing it and I do get paid to do it too! I spend all weekend up there so I really have no time to do anything else at the weekend unless it's called off or we don't have a match!

I am now going to tell you the story of what happened this past Thursday. I was walking in the corridor at school when a group of people were pushing and shoving. One got shoved into my left shoulder and pulled me against the wall a little bit. So,, I got it checked by a first aider at school and he told me that there was something not right with it. When he was stretching my arm, it clicked so I think it was dislocated before I went to hospital. My Mum took me to the hospital and they told me it was tissue damage. It kills! It is horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

And lastly, I have been shopping and organising for my holiday at the end of this month! I'm so excited! I leave at seven in the morning on Thursday 29th of May to go to Marmaris, Turkey for ten days. I am going with my Grandparents, my Auntie and Uncle and their three little girls! I am so excited and, starting on Wednesday, I am going to do a weeks countdown to my holiday. each day will be a different thing about my holiday or about holidays and going away in general! I won't be posting whilst I am away but I will have one up everyday before then, hopefully, and I will have plenty to go up after I come back!

Tell me if you're up to anything exciting in the next few weeks or if you've done anything nice recently!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Monday 14 April 2014

High End Beauty Haul - Including MAC, Stila and Korres!

Hello everyone,
                        Last Thursday I went shopping with a couple of my friends and I spent a lot of time in Harvey Nichols, bad, I know! I couldn't help but buy a few nicer items that I wouldn't normally get for myself! I also bought one thing from Selfridges too that I wanted to share! By the way, I paid for all of this with my own money that I earn myself, from having a job! Also, I wouldn't normally spend this much at one time on higher end products, but I hadn't bought makeup since after Christmas and I had had a clear out of my collection the day before, before buying anything new!

*Click any image to enlarge*

The first thing I bought from Harvey Nic's was a nail polish from Butter London. Normally, I wouldn't pay this much for a nail polish, but I was having a 'treat-myself-day', as I like to call them! I bought this one in the colour Fiddlesticks, (cute nail polish name alert!). This is a darker pink with slightly black/silvery glitter in it. It's really unique and I had never seen one like it before! I have tried it on my nails and I really liked wearing it, I actually couldn't stop looking at it. This nail polish was £12.

Also, from Harvey Nichols, I bought two lip balms. The first is the Burt's Bees Refreshing Lip Balm with Pink Grapefruit. This is SO hydrating, moisturising and tasty! It smells amazing and does the best job at keeping my lips hydrated and not chapped! This was £3.25.

The second lip balm I got was because of how much everyone raves about them! It's the Korres Lip Butter in Pomegranate. It tastes amazing, has the best amount of sheer colour to it and is really moisturising on the lips. It lasts a long time too! Definitely recommended by me! The price of this product was £8.

I then took a naughty trip to the Stila counter. Oops. I was going to buy a convertible colour in the shade Lillium, but the lady behind the counter told me they had a trio running, that was limited edition and had the shade I wanted to buy in it. It was also great size for travel and, with this product, you get variety in what you chose. These work for lip and cheek colours. I think this small palette is worth it if that is something you are in to. It was £23.

Also, from Stila, I bought the Lip Glaze Trio in Elegant Emerald Collection. These were the most neutral ones which means I will use them the most! I love the colours of them and I also love the consistency and the taste and smell of these lip glosses. I decided to get the trio because one full sized lip glaze was £15, whereas this trio, which are all full sized too, was £12. So it only made sense!

The woman at the counter, Danielle, told me that you get a free collectable beach palette with every two items you buy at the stand. The palette I got it the Wonderful in Waikiki palette. The colours are gorgeous and, because it's small, it's perfect for taking with you on the go! This is originally £10 and I got it for free! There are four eyeshadows, one blush and one bronzing powder that I, personally, would use as a blusher, not a bronzer. This is because it's too pinky toned for me, to be a bronzing powder. The quality is really good and I really like using this palette.

The last thing I got was from Selfridges. We went to the MAC stand in there and had a look at everything and I was drawn to one lipstick in particular. Creme Cup caught my eye and I loved it! I bought it for £15 and have worn it a couple of times already. It the perfect shimmery nude colour and, can I just say, it tastes like vanilla birthday cake! I really do like it and I really like the consistency too. It stays on for a long time during the day, also.

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Monday 7 April 2014

The Disney Tag!

Hello everyone,
                        Today is going to be a tag post because my friend Hannah, here on YouTube, tagged me to do this. I would first of all like to say thank you to Hannah for tagging me and also I would love it if you would go ad check out her YouTube and subscribe if you like it! This is going to be the Disney tag, and I couldn't resist doing it, because Disney is one of my favourite things! So, without further ado, let's begin!

1) A scene from a Disney movie you wish you could experience? 
I wish I could experience the scene in Tangled were they are on the boat and the lanterns are above them. I just feel as though it's such a magical scene and is so fun but simple. I also love the scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel is laying down in the cavern full of treasures. I'm not sure why I like that scene, probably because of the song, but I would love to be a mermaid and to be in the cavern of human objects.

2) An unforgettable moment/experience you have had at one of the Disney parks?
I am very lucky to say that I have been to the Florida parks 3 or 4 times in my life, which is rare to hear people say. I have never been to the Disneyland Paris Parks but will be going at the end of this year for the end of Christmas and for New Years, which again, I am very lucky to be able to say! One of my favourite moments from the Disney Parks is when I was around 7,8 or 9 years old and I went to Magic Kingdom in Florida. I went on the Haunted Mansion ride with my eldest cousin and it was so amazing! There were ghosts sat in-between you when you passed some mirrors and also there were ghosts in all of the rooms, which was amazing! I also loved The Simpsons Ride, which, if you go to Universal Studios, it's worth the wait in line! (I know Universal Studios is technically not a Disney park, but I counted it anyway because it was always included as one when I was in Florida!) There were many other moments I could talk about, but these were the ones that stuck out to me, or that I thought of first!

3) What non-Disney songs remind you or bring back memories of the films/parks?
There aren't really any non-Disney songs that remind me of Disney, only It's Alright, It's OK by Ashley Tisdale and, also, Aly and AJ. I loved Jordan Pruitt too, and her songs remind me of Disney, mainly the Disney Channel movies though!

4) When was the first time you went to a Disney park?
Me and my Mum were talking about this the other day, and she said that my brother was only one when we went for the first time, which means I was just about to turn three, or I already was three years old. That means it was 2002 when I first went to the Disney park. I obviously can't remember that one but we have all the photos downstairs and I love to look at them sometimes...!

5) If you could chose any of the characters to be your best friend who would you chose?
I would love a little sidekick or a little companion, so I would pick either Mushu from Mulan, Olaf from Frozen or Stitch from Lilo and Stitch.

6) Who are your favourite Disney Princesses?
I think the oldies are the best! My favourite was always Belle because we have the same sort of hair, so I used to dress up and pretend to be her! I also loved Ariel, because of the music and she got to fall in love with Eric! I also like the newer ones too like Repunzel and Elsa and Anna.

7) A scene/moment that always makes you cry?
I cry at anything. FACT. So most Disney films have a moment where I cry. I cried at the end of Lilo and Stitch, where they had to say goodbye. I also find it really sad when The Beast 'dies' in Beauty and the Beast. I really wanted to cry during Frozen but I held them back! I think I cried at The Lion King the last time I watched it!

8) The first Disney film you watched?
Obviously I don't know for certain, but I believe it was Beauty and the Beast, Snow White or The Lion King, because I watched them all when I was younger and they are the classics. My Mum loves them all too so she probably watched them with me!

9) What is your favourite Disney movie?
I have two. I have a classic one, so one that's older and has been my favourite since I was little, which is Beauty and the Beast. But, I have a more modern one that's new from Disney, and that is Tangled!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Sunday 6 April 2014

Spring Room Decor!

Hello everyone,
                        It seems so long since I sat down and actually wrote a blog post - well it has been, sort of - I have had blog posts planned and have taken the pictures for them but have not had time to write. So I decided to take a few hours out of my Sunday to write some for you! I have a makeup tutorial coming up in the next week and then, hopefully my current favourites for non beauty related items, if all goes well! Let's get started with today's post about some of the things I have changed or upgraded in my room for the spring time!

The first thing I did was get rid of my mirror on the wall and I swapped it for this plush, green and pink, spotty and lace, heart shaped bulletin board. I really love this and I put this on my wall after Christmas because I couldn't wait for Spring! I got this as a gift for Christmas in 2012 and never put it up, so I decided to do it this year! It's the perfect size, I think, and I like it plain instead of having things on it! This one is from Argos and was quite cheap if I remember, but I can't find it on the website. Sorry!

The second thing I did to change my room up for Spring is I got a new bedspread. This one is light blue with pink and green floral print all over the front of it. It also reversible and the opposite side is a darker shade of blue with white polka dots. I got this for only £11 at The Range and they do it in several different sizes. Once again, I can't find this online but perhaps it is in your local shop.

Once again from The Range, I got this canvas to replace one of my macaroon pictures above my bed, because I've had those for over a year now. This one is a picture of some vintage women all in brightly coloured swimming costumes, all with high heels, hair bows, ringlet curls and bright red lipstick. I love how colourful and bright it is, but it's still vintage. The background is grey too so it makes the colours stand out! I believe this was around £2-£3 as well, what a bargain!

My other lamp broke so I had to replace it, and my Mum had this one in the cupboard downstairs that is a light pink with sequins all over it. I thought it was so cute and it was from Next, but I'm unsure about whether they still sell it in the Home section! I've also been enjoying my tart burner/melter. You burn the wax with a tea light underneath and it smells so much stronger than a candle! I love it so much and it's a lot cheaper than the Yankee Candle candles you can buy!

As it is now getting into Spring, I also want my room to smell clean and fresh so I like to use the Febreeze Air Effects Cotton Fresh Room Spray to make it smell nice and refreshing.

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Friday 7 March 2014

Current Beauty Favourites!

Hello everyone,
                        I know I haven't written in a while but I decided to do a 'current' favourites, to sum up the last couple of months! From now on, I will be updating like I did before Christmas, once or twice a week. Let's just jump into it!

Let's start with the makeup favourites. The first two are brushes that I bought after Christmas and which are both from Real Techniques. the first is the Expert Face Brush, which I use for foundation, and the Blush Brush. These two are amazing quality and have worked really well for me so far! I also got them on a Buy One Get One Half Price deal, so I only paid £15 for both, from Boots!

The next things are all makeup related and are things that I have been using for the past couple of months and I love them all so much! The first two are face favourites and are both, actually, concealers. I got them both in December and have used them ever since I got them. The first is Benefit Boi-ing concealer and it is truly amazing! Despite the price and the fact that I have to use a lot of it at once, it is seriously my new favourite! It covers everything and stays on all day. I love the consistency and it just stays put for a very long time! It's also in a pot which is easy for me too use in a morning too.

The second concealer is for the under eyes and I got it after Christmas this year whilst shopping. It's around the five pounds mark and is very, very good at concealing your dark under eye circles, which I've had plenty of recently! I love the colour match and the consistency is perfect. If you don't like quite thick under eye concealers, then this isn't for you, it is thick but doesn't weigh your eyes down.

Next is a blusher that I received for Christmas from Nars in the colour Day Dream, from the Guy Bourdin Collection. I love this colour so much. I believe it is matte, but it could have a slight sheen to it. This colour is the perfect mixture of peach, pink and mauve, to create the perfect natural, Spring and Summer blush look! It stays on all day too! Sadly this was limited edition, but if you can find it, it's worth it!

Then onto eyes, I have been using a new mascara for the past month or so and have been really enjoying it! I recently realised I hadn't gotten a new mascara for what must have been at least four or five months, so I thought it was time to get a new one, right? I went to the Maybelline stand and saw that the new Big Eyes Mascara had been released in the UK, and I wanted to try it. This is different to other mascaras because it has a side for the upper lashes and lower lashes. I got mine in the waterproof version because I needed a good waterproof mascara and I also like to wear waterproof on my lower lashes because then there is no chance of it smudging. I LOVE this mascara and it's all I have been wearing! It doesn't smudge and is pretty hard to get off without makeup remover, so it's just what I wanted! I really have been enjoying this product since I got it and wish to repurchase it when it runs out!

I also have been using Maybelline's new brow gel that has a tint to it. Mine is in Dark Brown and I love it! I don't have to use a pencil or powder and then a clear gel, I can just use one product and be done. It adds the right amount of colour and stays in my brows till I take it off at night. It's great!

Then I have been using a new makeup remover that has been out for a few months now and was supposedly a dupe for Bio-Derma, it's the L'OrĂ©al Micellar Water that is only £3 from Boots. This stuff will take off anything! I love it so much and it doesn't sting your eyes or taste bad when you accidently get some in your mouth, because it's just like water! I love it!

I am in love, also, with Mac's Turquatic perfume! It smells so good and lasts all day, what more is there to say about it, other than the fact the packaging is amazing!

I do have many non beauty favourites too but I will put those in another post, because I need to rave about them and I don't want this post to be too long!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Wednesday 26 February 2014


Hello everyone,
                        I wanted to write a small apology for being very absent recently! I have no excuses! But I will try to get my next post up either tomorrow night or Friday! I will hopefully write a lot over the next week and do one every other day to make up for things! 

Thanks for reading, 
Olivia xx

Sunday 9 February 2014

10 Little Secrets TAG!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I thought I would do a tag post because I am in the middle of writing two hauls and neither is done yet so I will fill in with this now!

1) What is one product that makes you feel like a million dollars?
For face I would say Benefit Boi-ing Concealer and for eyes it would be mascara!

2) What is your skincare secret/passed down tip?
My mum always tells me to simply not touch my face so much during the day and also to put toothpaste or calamine lotion on spots to dry them up and get your spots gone!

3) What is your hair care secret?
Sometimes, about an hour before I wash my hair, if my scalp is feeling dry, I will shove a tonne of baby oil on it. I then tie it up and leave it for an hour or so, to let it sink in, then I wash it off with my normal hair routine. I only put the oil in my roots though. It feels gross when your head is covered in oil but it's worth it!

4) What is your diet rule? 
I don't have a rule really I just try to eat as well as I can and be as healthy as I can! That's it! Do what works for you!

5) Work out tips?
Honestly, I don't really work out. I just think that if you exercise all the time then you need to make time for other things and vice versa.

6) What perfume is your secret weapon?
Brittany Spears Midnight Fantasy! It's been my favourite for as long as I remember and I will continue to buy!

7) An item of clothing that always turns heads? 
My Barbie t-shirt from Primark because it's so fun and unique and I wore it to school once and got tonnes of compliments!

8) Most treasured piece of jewellery? 
I am a person who does not buy or receive any expensive jewellery so I don't really treasure any, but I do have nostalgic pieces that I keep.

9) Who is your style crush?
I really like Lily Collin's style because it's laid back, cool, young and mostly casual, other than dressy outfits for fancy events and such. She is just beautiful in everything she wears! I also LOVE Fearne Cotton, she's always been a favourite!

10) Tell us something about you that we don't know?
I have two things that I feel you should know:

  • I have a strange fear of Seagulls and Ducks... Not sure why but it is only these birds. It's not a phobia it's just a, I-would-rather-not-go-near-them-at-all sort of thing! 
  • My right wrist cracks when I move it up and down because, when I was smaller, my Dad opened the car door and it was raining, so I wanted to feel the rain, (I know, stupid, right? :/), anyways, long story short, my Dad closed the car door, not knowing I had my hand out of it can I just say, and my wrist got caught in the door!
Thanks for reading, 
Olivia xx

Saturday 1 February 2014

Coming Up...!

Hello everyone,
                        I am very sorry that I haven't written a blog post in over two weeks, every time I went to write, I got distracted by... life?! I've been really busy and whenever I have come to write I just can't for whatever reason! I have been planning to write for a while, because I had a big photo taking session at the beginning of last week, but I never wrote the posts. Those are the two posts I will put up soon enough!

Coming up on my Blog soon:

  • What I Got For Christmas: Beauty Products! (I know this is very late but I wanted to try it all out for a while first!) 
  • Beauty Haul, (What I have bought over the past month and in December, in the sales!)
  • Wake Up/ Get Ready With Me 
  • Reviews! 
  • Fun Tags and, hopefully, DIYs
Sorry for making you guys wait but I am planning to have my next post up today or tomorrow! 

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Saturday 11 January 2014

Special FX Makeup!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I am going to show you some pictures of the fake wounds that I created recently. I decided to create three different things and just to show you the photographs of each one! I used my new camera for this post and, I have to say, the pictures are such better quality!

*Click any pictures to enlarge*

1) The Severed Finger

2) The Cut on The Forehead 

3) The Gun Shot Wound 

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Top 13 of 2013!

 Hello everyone,
                         Today I thought that it would be a nice idea to show you my top thirteen products for the past year of 2013! I think that last year was really great for me and I want 2014 to be even better!


1) Dream Pure BB Cream from Maybelline 
This is an amazing base for everyday and I think that it is such amazing coverage and looks so natural on the skin. It's brilliant for everyday use and since I found it this year, I have realised that it is my new favourite! I got this in the second half of the year and will continue to use it for a long time! I did a review and comparison of this one and the original one from Maybelline here.

2) Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer
I have another concealer that I am using at the moment that may be  better than this one but, for this past year, this is the one I have used. I like that it's easy to put on and is very good coverage. The only problem is that there are only three shades but the one I have is a great match for me. It blends really nicely too because it is a cream formula. This stuff lasts forever and is about £3-£4 so it's really great! 

3) Rimmel Match Perfection Silky Loose Face Powder
This is a really great, light, natural powder. It looks great over most foundations and it sets makeup better than my Stay Matte one and I think that this adds a small amount of coverage too, especially when applied with a buffing brush. 


4) Natural Collection Powder Blush in Peach Melba
I distinctly remember using this blush for about four months straight. Literally. I would not wear anything else. I loved it during Spring and Summer because it gave a nice glow and a small flush without looking like too much. Because it is matte too, it looks very simple but will go with everything!

5) Sleek Face Contour Kit
This is a great contour powder to use in the hollows of the cheeks and to add some definition to the skin. It looks really good on and I love this powder too because it's not too dark or too light and I think that it is amazing. I do love the highlighter too, but I haven't included that in this Top 13. 

6) Sleek Blush Trio in Lace
I mostly like the middle colour but all three are beautiful, bright, summery colours that I love to wear and they are just the most pigmented blushes I have ever tried! Better than any other brand! 


7) Stila In The Light Eyeshadow Palette
I used this the most this year out of all of my palettes and it is one of the best! The eyeshadows are such good quality and they are just some of the best eyeshadows I have ever used! This palette has ten of Stila's best selling eyeshadows for only £25! 

8) Benefit Stay Don't Stray 
I used this product for most of the year as a primer, not only for my eyes, but for blemishes too, before concealer. I love this stuff so much because, other than my MAC paintpot, which I love, it's the only thing that covers veins on my eyes, because it's skin coloured, and also keeps eyeshadow on all day without creasing, that includes concealer too! It really is great and it reminds me of a liquid/cream version on MAC Painterly Paintpot.

9) Rimmel London Scadeleyes Kohl Kajal Eyeliner in Nude
This is just the best type of eyeliner I have ever come across. These are much like the Urban Decay ones and the nude one is my favourite and I wear it almost everyday on my waterline. It just makes my eyes look larger and brighter, which I need in the mornings! 


10) L'Oréal Colour Riche Lipstick in 258 Berry Blush
This is one of my most worn lipsticks of all year! It's the perfect berry colour with some golden shimmer running through it. I doesn't look like too much either, which is perfect. It is absolutely beautiful and it's one of my all time favourites. I thought that this was discontinued but they just gave it new packaging and, possibly, a new formula, but I'm not sure about that! 

11) Revlon Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie 
This is a perfect berry colour, again, but is a bit more pink so it is wearable for everyday and season. I love this because it is so moisturising and beautiful on the lips.

12) ELF Essentials Lipstick in Nostalgic
This is my all time favourite lipstick because it is a beautiful, pink toned nude, which is the best for my skin tone and it's so moisturising. Also, for £1.50, it's brilliant! I have worn this all year and I love it so much!

13) OPI Nail Polish in Don't Pretzel My Buttons
I had a miniature of this last year for Christmas and I got the full size this year! It's the perfect creamy, nude colour that goes with anything and looks good in all seasons! It's amazing quality too! A big thumbs up from me! I'm wearing it right now!

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx