
Sunday 15 December 2013

Blogmas Day 16: Christmas Day Traditions!

Hello everyone,
                        Today I wanted to share my Christmas Day traditions with you because I am feeling extremely Christmassy today, for some reason, so I wanted to talk about the day itself!

Waking up.
I normally wake up at around six, but then lie in bed, drifting in and out of sleep for about half an hour until my brother shouts of me or comes upstairs to wake me up. We then go to my Mum's room and just sit and talk for a while, it's one of my favourite parts. My Dad usually arrives at about seven and he checks first of Santa has been! We wait at the top of the stairs whilst he does that! Then we go downstairs and open presents.

From about seven until about eight or half past eight we open presents, including our stockings! I love this part because it's when we are all sat together and are all thankful for everything we receive. then we usually just ring up our family to wish them a Merry Christmas and say thank you for any gifts received.

Christmas Dinner.
We eat Christmas dinner at about two or three, and it's one of the best parts of the day. I love Christmas dinner because again it's a time for us to eat together and just to be around each other and eat together.

The Rest Of The Day.
The rest of the day usually consists of us all lying around and using some of our presents for fun! We sometimes play games and sometimes we watch Christmas Specials that are on the TV and I love it. I normally go to bed at about nine or ten because I want to be up early the next day because we go to my Grandma and Grandad's house to be with everyone who I didn't see on Christmas Day.

'Christmas is that day that holds all time together.' Alexander Smith

Thanks for reading,
Olivia xx

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